21 Questions For Vernon


I think we all see this sort of thing in newspapers and magazines all the time. I saw one recently in the New York Times. So, I am copycatting.

Q: What is your first memory?

A: Standing up in the front seat of my Daddy’s car (Look Ma! No seatbelts!)-listening to the Tar Heels play football on the radio. Yes, we were moving, going somewhere. It was a sunny, fall afternoon.

Q:What is your favorite food?

A: Italian, Seafood, Good Mexican, a good Hot Dog (slaw and yellow mustard please!)

Q:What are you bad at?

A: Golf, Dancing (used to be pretty good), sometimes get impatient, can (rarely) have, shall we say, a ‘cutting wit’.

Q: What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

A: Real/legit Pistachio

Q: What is the first thing you do in the morning?

A: Make my bed, check my laptop, make the day’s list, go get newspapers (Charleston, New York Times, Wall Street Journal) and my mail.


Q: Do you sing in the shower?

A: Sometimes but invariably get distracted by another thought or three roaring through my brain. I shower quick, no lingering.


Q: How did you celebrate your last birthday?

A: Have no specific recall; I usually engage the entire month of January; spend time with family and friends.


Q: Relationship Status

A: Quiet, steady and devoted.


Q: What piece of clothing have you had the longest?

A: Probably my trench coat-goes back to college and law school. Tough as iron and truly water repellant.


Q: Do you have a uniform?

A: When I was lawyering, suits, ties, lace-up shoes. Now post-Covid, pre-Covid, jeans, casual shirts, shorts, On Clouds


Q: What clothing do you buy?

A: These days, not much. I have a closet and a chest of drawers full of great stuff but the time for wearing most of it has passed.


Q: Do you have any tattoos?

A: Yes, one on my right upper bicep. (All the better to hide it from my 99 year old Mother-I got it when I was 50.) It’s Ramses, The Strutting Ram, beloved mascot of U.N.C. (Y’all don’t tell!)


Q: What is your favorite sport?

A: Football and too, I enjoy them all. Bet on some of them too.


Q: Where do you want to travel?

A: Everywhere. I haven’t been there yet but it’s on my list.


Q: What is your favorite form of exercise?

A: Rowing machine, walking, some weights, meditating too (It’s good for you!)


Q: Do you have a personal motto?

A: Lead, Follow or Get Out Of The Way


Q: What is your prized possession?

A: My books, all my books. (Recently , I have been giving some away-regrettably, just has to be done.)


Q: How many children do you have?

A: Three, 2 sons and a daughter, they are great young people and I also recently became a Grandfather-now sifting to find the ‘cool’ Grandfather name. No Paw Paw for me.


Q: What are your favorite gifts to give?

A: Money to many charities. Used to do lots of hands-on participation. Now I just try to bolster and help and send checks.


Q: Do you have a favorite person in history?

A: Churchill


Q: What are a few things that most people don’t know about you?

A: I have 12 foot, fully decorated Christmas Tree at the foot of my work table-a gorgeous fake-stays up year round.

I write poetry.

I am a blubberer; I sometimes cry or at least tear up at the drop of a hat-I am very sentimental.


Do you have questions for me? Fire away as you like. vernon@cooperriverbooks.com

Everyone stay safe out there! Keep Reading!

I send my best, Vernon


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