

Slim & None

Over many years, Eddie Terrell and his firm have grown in prominence and with success after success. There have been failures too but few and far between. He has become not just a ‘good lawyer’; he has become a craftsman, an artist. He has had much help along the way. His powers of creation and elucidation remain stout and strong and he is a fearsome opponent.

And now here, in the final volume of the Eddie Terrell Trilogy, Eddie realizes that no great races last forever and that he is running out of runway. His mind and abilities and evaluating skills are still razor sharp but he knows the clock is ticking and he is troubled by a horizon of conclusion that begins to loom ever closer before him. Immortality is never to be purchased and he knows it.

He presses on with more vigor than ever. He will run through the tape, not just to it. And as he wends his way through the jungle of the law and the courts, he is occupied by his standard heavy-lifting fare, a variety of matters which include wrongful death and alienation of affections and domestic discord and civil litigation, serious torts and medical malpractice and also deceit and lies and solutions, some necessary but unsavory. His partner and savvy helper Mikey watches him closely as he goes. She is his ballast and comfort.

But overarching all is The Law. It is his lodestar and Eddie is drawn to it as Icarus was drawn inexorably to the sun. He will not turn back.

You Have Your Way

The adventures of trial lawyer Eddie Terrell continue. His professional life is prospering. His personal life is a dumpster fire. Usually racing to the prize fight, Eddie comes to the realization that he needs to beat a hasty retreat from the enticing flames and recalibrate on his own impulsive and subjective terms. Wishing to expand his professional interests by accomplishing something on the darker side, Eddie decides to head an investment scheme with a promising payoff. Of course, there are risks that must be navigated, risks that might require dangerously effective actions.

Set in the early 2000s, Eddie is, as always, fascinated by women and they by him. Out West while resting his addled mind, he finds a new friend who is beautiful, bold, and game. She matches him wit for wit as he takes the paths less traveled and begins to make it up on the fly with trusted partners from the less than high- end zip codes. Even Eddie’s oft-imperious, oft-skeptical mother is intrigued. Crawling out of his personal funk, Eddie reorganizes his life through unusual means, jumping the rails and going awry plenty, but always yanking himself back on course. And his newfound stimuli further ramp up his always tenacious trial skills. He welcomes orderly disorder, the playing of chess on four levels. This is a work of fiction embedded in the truth of conflict and calculation.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson intoned, “Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”


Friday Calls

On one Indian summer Friday night, things happen that change the course of hundreds of lives.

In Winston-Salem, a tobacco and mill town in central North Carolina, people like to relax as the weekend comes nigh, and depending on whether they sit above or below the salt, they'll do so in different ways.

Both the well-to-do and the less-thans are wizened practitioners of the art of steam blowing, all in the name of fun and respite. And in doing so, violence and deceit and sadness mingle with money and alcohol to create a dangerous, crackling third rail of despair. And the story is never exactly as it seems to be.

This is a work of fiction built upon two true events that happened within hours of each other. All the players are entwined, a basket of snakes and innocents that are penned into embracing one another. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

As E. B. White famously and drily noted, "It's never just one thing..."


You Never Know Who Your Angels Are

A children's book from E. Vernon F. Glenn and illustrator, Cheryl Ann Lipstreu

​Eddie Terrell is a lonely lawyer who has made a lot of mistakes in his life. When he meets Harry, a young boy in need of a friend, they form an unbreakable bond. Through his friendship with Harry, Eddie learns that there are still many wonderful people in this world that will encourage you to be the best that you can be.   Based on a real relationship that author E. Vernon F. Glenn formed with a special friend, You Never Know Who Your Angels are tells a heartwarming story about how it's important to press forward even when you're feeling down. You never know who will walk into your life and change everything.