Assignments, assignments!


As a student, a child, an athlete and most certainly as a trial lawyer for four-plus decades, I am used to assignments.

Do your homework, make your bed, brush your teeth, learn the plays, play by the rules of the courts and the judges.

You know, at some point you’d think that it comes to an end and there will be no more.

You just then get to do what you want to do.

Not quite!

Guess what? If you are drawing a breath and living in this world, there are always going to be Assignments.

I am starting my next book this week. It will be titled: SLIM AND NONE

This is a self-appointed assignment. I’ve written a few and I cannot stop now. I enjoy writing and it is self-fulfilling and enjoyable and it keeps me from the lassitude of chair sitting and doing a lot of nothing.

People seem to like my books, my writings-very much and that in and of itself is a spur, a good spur.

I have no interest in being a one hit wonder, much less a two hit wonder.

I had the opportunity to hear the prolific and formidable Joyce Carol Oates at the Charleston To Charleston Book Festival a few years ago. She is, to me, inspirational. She writes and writes some more.

I plan on writing books until I drop and hopefully that is a good ways off.

My gene pool seems to indicate that is a reasonable probability.

My mother is 96 and still rocking and roiling the waters with rapier wit and tuned-in conversation.

So, as I embark on book number 3, there is a brief pause because finally, finally book number 2, YOU HAVE YOUR WAY, is officially released this week.

It is really good, has received rave reviews and you can get it at your independent bookstore and on Amazon.

I have also read it in a very sophisticated studio with a professional board producer and director just as I did with my first one, FRIDAY CALLS.

It will also be available very soon on Audible, an audiobook with me as the reader.

(I’m told I have pretty good pipes…)

It is not so much a landmark but rather a marker on the path that leads down a long road, a road I want to keep walking.

Please go get YOU HAVE YOUR WAY. You will be entertained and you will have to figure out what is fact and what is fiction.

And I promise you, most of it is fact or in the alternative, factual.

And I also promise you, if you have questions for me, I will answer them.

Not a problem and besides, the statute of limitations as to almost all of it ran out a long time ago so candor can stand above concealment.

We delayed bringing YOU HAVE YOUR WAY out for many months. She’s been ready to go for a good while now but Covid put a brake on us.

I’ve done a number of Zoom meetings and discussions and panels over the past year but it’s time to get back with face to face, mask to mask time though this evening, I’m doing one more with the brilliant Sara Johnson, author of THE BONES REMEMBER, sponsored by Buxton Books here in Charleston. It’s not too late to sign up so please have at it.

But now, we are planning at least 3 or 4 book introduction parties at various venues and are looking at Mount Pleasant, Aiken and Winston-Salem.

And, then there will be readings and visits at bookstores and book clubs all over the place, in the Carolinas and Georgia and Florida and Lord knows where else will show up on the Where’s Waldo itinerary.

Plus as my late Daddy said, “It’s a damn poor dog that won’t wag his own tail!” So, we have something to sell, something good and we ask that you buy!

Do you remember Miss Prissy from 'Gone With The Wind’?

“I don’t know nothing about birthing no babies!”

Well, I don’t know nothing about writing no books but it appears I’m learning and that’s the way life ought to be.

Keep Reading! Spark Up Your Mind!

I’m around.


Recommended Read: Hard Cash Valley by Brian Panowich


Book Review: Last Hope Island by Lynne Olson