Various Observations from Mount Cranky


The recent round of horrible shootings are of course dismaying and disturbing. How to fix this mess needs more than a little input. And that’s not where my thinking cap is today. But, here is something that bugs me. When the poor Asian folks were gunned down by that nut in Atlanta, immediately the President and Vice-President rushed to comfort the victims. But soon thereafter, there was the terrible Colorado grocery store massacre. But soon thereafter, there was the terrible Colorado grocery store massacre. Did POTUS and/or his Veep show up? Nope. Why not? Ask yourself. Optics? You bet. Playing to a potentially sympathetic constituency? Bingo. Grocery store visit not a good political investment. But the poor Asians. They’re worth the cheap pandering. Disgusting.

It appears we are going to have a really remarkable, first-class, world class African American Museum here in Charleston and it should be ready for visitors very soon. Of course, slavery and so many related issues will be front and center. In the meantime, the Charleston Museum, allegedly the single most comprehensive collection and repository of Charleston history and culture has limply and lamely declined to house and display the recently de-plinthed statute of The Great Nullifier, John C. Calhoun, arguably the most powerful voice and force in the 19th Century for the maintenance of that abhorrent status. The museum says it would be problem so to do and that it would entail potential ‘difficulties’ that go beyond its remit. Nonsense. The real answer: We don’t want no trouble. God forbid that unpleasant history be ignored and swept under the rug. The museum just wants to keep things quiet, without a large discordant piece of statuary being prominent in its collections. What Hypocrisy!

Well, here’s a suggestion.

Why not put Calhoun in the new African American Museum? Think of the narrative that his presence could enable. A master stroke.

President Biden has given Vice President Harris the job of getting the mess on the Mexican border cleaned up, straightened up and fixed. He made the mess worse and now he wants someone else to be the point of the spear or more to the point, to be the one with the shovel and broom at the end of the elephant parade. A thankless task but she’s gotta tune up her resume as she prepares for her upcoming run at the Big Chair. She has made no progress as of this typing but the toadies in the national, mainstream press just ignore the crisis and cover for the administration. By the way, has Ms. Harris visited the border yet to look around, kick the tires, get a feel for what’s going on down there? As of this day that I write, Friday, April 23rd, the answer is a mystifying ‘No’.

It is being said that there are many books being prepared for publication about the recently departed Donald Trump. Would you read just one of them? I can promise you I will not, not one jot, not one tittle. Begone and stay gone.

It is also being said that we are about to receive a tsunami of books about Covid. Would you read just one of them? Not me. I’d rather have a root canal.

On a happier note, I have become fascinated with grocery stores. So much of everything everywhere. I go every morning to get my newspapers at my local Publix or Harris Teeter. The having in hand of the Charleston paper, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are daily requirements for me. And then I get to walk about and look at the shelves and displays and produce and refrigeration cabinets and everything else. Grocery stores are our true Cornucopia. I suggest give them more than a task-oriented look. They are remarkable!

I have started my third book which will be titled SLIM AND NONE. My second book, YOU HAVE YOUR WAY, is now formally released to excellent reviews and its accompanying audiobook, read by me in studio, will be available soon through Amazon and Audible. This is all very exciting for me and I hope you will all get them and read them and enjoy them. My transition from the courtroom to the keyboard is almost complete. After forty-five-plus years of the former and literally thousands of matters to wrestle with, I now have but one case left. What a ride! No, I am not retiring. I’m just catching a different plane.

Lastly, even as I bid the Jealous Mistress of The Law adieu, a lawyer suggestion for you all. Please, please, please make sure your wills and estate plans and powers of attorneys and any and all necessary accompanying documents and instructions are in place and current and you check up on these things on an annual basis. If you fail to do this, you will cause your family and loved ones more than a little heartburn. On the other, happier hand, if you make sure your affairs are in order, you will be the recipient of peace of mind and your crowd will love you for your responsible thoughtfulness. I promise.

Now, y’all keep reading and thinking and working your grey matter gourds!


A Brief but Pithy-Recommended Reads - NOT!


Recommended Read: Hard Cash Valley by Brian Panowich